Princess Bubblegum, Ice Queen, Tree Trunks, Fionna the Human, Ricardio the Heart Guy, Hot Dog Princess, Lady Rainicorn, Cake, Marceline the Vampire Queen, Penny, Magic Man, Billy, Doctor Princess, Susan Strong, Party Pat, The Lich, Earl of Lemongrab, Raggedy Princess, Lumpy Space Princess, The Jiggler, Business Men, Marauders, Witch, Neptr, Donny, Sharon, Mr. Fox, Boobafina, Snorlock, Water Nymphs, Cinnamon Bun, Ethel Rainicorn, Death, Booboo, Ash, Scorcher, Shoko, Me-Mow, Fire Wolf, Demon Cat, Banana Man, Clown Nurse, Ghost Princess, Fruit Witch, Prince Gumball, Chocoberry, Lollipop Girl, Chocolate Covered Banana