Zelda's Double Date

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3.3 (245 votes)

Holy shit

"Little bit of comedy and a little bit of sex. When you have both of these together, you have some good shit." 

Said by - random user on the Internet 

Every time this is updated I have to stop and Laugh at page 11.

Way to funny. 

bro whoever let bro cook needs an award



WOW this is so good 

the favourite one😋

stop the lesbian

Yes finally


midna and ganon? hell yes

*chefs kiss* Absolutely beautiful, all my standards have been met and more!

Page 57 is how I imagine all games with a protagonist and BBEG. Good friends outside of the game. The game is a play, an act, a ruse where everyone just has fun. Zelda and Gannon were playing mario cart while they waited for link to FINALLY DO THE FUCKING MAIN QUEST.

Holy fuck Holy fuck fuck