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Does anyone know when the next kai and gwen part comes out
Knowing Kai, she might make him transform into Benwolf first…
all of you get in mein shower
In reply to all of you get in mein shower by Hitler
Ben and Gwen roll on the floor fighting over the charm, they don't hear the bathroom door open Kai steps out. You to could have waited for me before you got started her towel drops, oh I'm into girls too Gwen take off your clothes.
See I knew it all the so called good girls are into the freaky shit
You're a fucking psychopath. Why would you make this hubris? Who the fuck sets their bed diagonally against the corner of the room?
In reply to You're a fucking psychopath… by Anonymous
nah my day is ruined now
how do fall with your mouth open and a cock is inserted in mouth lol I guess it was luck because he had the charm
I don't know who has the better ass Gwen Green or Charmcaster
This is Exciting to read
This is one of if not the best comic here on the site my rank would be
1. Sultry Summer
2. Double Trouble
3. Chain Reaction
I like this comic I wish the author would update it more often instead of Fridays
wow I was right Green prefers girls
Loved it
The cannonbolt looks like it was made by the creators we need more of the aliens
I dont know why gwen is so worried she knows she is part lesbian as her older self had sex with her
In reply to I dont know why gwen is so… by Anonymous
that's practically masturbation though
Don't know why, but she remind me some aspect of Azula ....
In reply to This is one of if not the… by Anonymous
ong bro so true
the whip it out technique is such a dangerous coin flip
jugging we are in a world were Ben get's to fuck anything he wants including both his cousins charmcaster he will tap Green Ive been waiting for her since book 2
yup. she is into furry
In reply to the whip it out technique is… by Anonymous
In reply to i tried it once, and it didn… by Anonymous
lmao a very risky flip
In reply to the whip it out technique is… by Anonymous
tried this and got sucked off in the warehouse on lunch. best lunch break ever
Na the author has stated there will be no Alien sex in the series just a good Ben Dicking. But Ben will get jelous when Kevin POPs in
In reply to Na the author has stated… by Anonymous
Do u know when the next part will come out
In reply to This is one of if not the… by Anonymous
Incog is not running the site like you think they are 💀
Worst pick up line in history
Bro just gonna whip it out like that lmao
Kia's reaction to seeing Big Ben either will be eww or wow