Small, Tight Spaces

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3.3 (6886 votes)

God has left the server



Why the ever loving fuck is this the 2nd most popular comic on this godforsaken website?

Not gonna lie kinda bricked down my guy

What the fuck I searched up normal porn why did this freak shit come up.

Buen comic

What the fuck is this piece of shit? 

Знай что ангелы не спят, они смотрят на тебя

i thought the characters were cute but the stuff they were doing made me sick, i couldnt finish the rest of the comic






Bro what the actual fuck did i just find on the internet

Sicko you all going to hell 

They should add a part that includes anal 

I read these comments and I see another of trolls I think the sole purpose of this to dunk on this degenerative bullshit which I'm totally all for but I come to realize someone it's not worth it I will give anyone a hopefully good piece of advice just don't come back to this page you don't gain anything from this the author gets your views of the comics and that's what they want if you truly hate it just leave the page and Forget about it. 

Dam part 2?

😐na bro

In reply to by Anonymous

No more comment sad🥲🥲🥲 they were so funny but I’m going to hell if god exists but in a atheist so idk about that have a good day you guys even though you don’t need it.


I was Cumming while watching this 😩🥵

Fucking shit tf did I just read my god this horrible shit even for me aan shit

Idk what went through their head when they made this

Could've been worse

I want this guy to go to hell after that

I LOVE the art style but why waste your talent on THIS comic In particular 

This is the first time i seen kid porn and i don't like it

These comments are the reason I bother coming back I get to see some funny shit lmao 

ncunkqhdihyqśńŐûū śőñżúôśùŐôŕõųöűô7mādzð9u{áčéģ19e9jwru|

Okay who made this...

vivimus in inferno

What the fuck did you guys expect from a sight like this??? Also, I kinda like it. :p

why the fucking FBI is not deleted it yet?

I don't know man this looks like cp

Overall art is amazing, good colour and contrast... The rest of the comic just leaves me speechless, thanks for another comic that will be soon forgotten in time. I've gome back to animating

dayum 🥲

So sexy😩

Hay guys I just got my sonic action figure for my bday I'm gonna check out what he can do
Updates coming soon

Tf is this shit



What in the ever living fuck am I looking at

its a terrible day to have eyes



Good cómic, when next minir por comino out?


I do not practice any religion but after this comic I might.