Practical exercise

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3.2 (133 votes)

What is wrong with you? No seriously what the actual fuck is wrong with you?

Attention 🛑 parents 👨🏻👱🏼‍♀️and grandparents 👵🏼👴🏼 of young children! 🧒🏻👧🏻

Gerber Life® is accepting applications for their affordable grow up plan! The grow up plan gives your child $10,000 dollars in whole life insurance protection now, and doubles automatically to $20,000 dollars later, at no extra cost! Free information will be sent to parents and grandparents who call now! Don’t wait, help give your child a head-start, for just pennies a day! Don’t wait, call now for free information. Call 1-800-829-8866. Call now!

We see planet earth drifting through the black void of space, a demonic sigil burned in its surface. I look down upon it, standing vigil in my orbital space castle ship fortress thing. I'm listening to a woman crying for help over the radio. I know the demonic forces are butt-humping my planet and I am pissed as hell. I grab my super duper shotgun and exactly three out of six available shells. That's not enough, but that's okay. I also have my trusty wrist blade. Then I put on my iconic helmet. As the portal leading to earth's surface powers up, I feel my huge dick pushing against the inside of my suit of tech armor. I'm ready, I reload my gun.


this is actoal messed the fuck up

Stuff its good

Hey this is not bad! 

What the fuck did i just witness

Sussy kids at university