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I said this on the other site, but I feel it's worth repeating: this story is just awful.
The whole "hey Rose, get nekkid in public" thing was kind of cute at the clothing-optional beach where no one knew them and they were essentially by themselves. However, putting her on the spot here? With people Sophie actually does know? That is a "power move" of the worst kind. I'm very disappointed that Funkybun took their story this way. Just because Rose eventually gets into it doesn't mean it's okay for Sophie to keep doing this to her. Sophie is a bad, abusive person who gets off on making Rose uncomfortable, and Rose deserves much better.
Also, the repetitive nervous internal dialogue is grating. Yes, fine. Rose is there. She's nervous and awkward. Sophie put on their private skin flic against her poorly-spoken wishes, people whom she doesn't know are watching, and she's popping a nervous boner and masturbating from the indirect attention. Great. I don't need to know her every thought in every panel.
Suihtil cod 回复 I said this on the other…
shut up nerd
I thought this comic was going to be good because of how bad you said it was
then I looked and saw it was furry
tells me everything I need to know about you and your twisted sense of morality
welp time to jack off to degenerate shit
but fr stfu nobody cares about your projected insecurities
Cartoonfiend 回复 shut up nerd I thought this…
Btw this comic is fucking awful
goddamn trans bitterness fucking sucks. Just get to the porn and don't shine a spotlight on how you're actually a girl, and oh my gosh I can't believe I'm doing this when i have a dick, even though I'm a girl, and everyone's seeing my girl dick. The more you talk about it the more I want to stop supporting, and I'm fucking gay
Fucku 回复 goddamn trans bitterness…
No wonder you're turned on less when you're reninded she's a girl... you said it yourself, you're gay!
Glukgluk5969 回复 No wonder you're turned on…
I meant gay in the general sense. I like guys, girls, trans, you name it. I should be just as turned on by her than anyone, but it's annoying when someone keeps pushing this stuff in my face. You wanna be treated as normal? It shouldn't need an explanation
Fucku 回复 I meant gay in the general…
girl cock
I love this comic
we need more updates, this is really good!
You tell me that its red
What color is the sky
hmm for a furyy thing this isn't that bad!
Fucku 回复 I meant gay in the general…
At the risk of getting some random people angry, I absolutely get what Fucku is saying, here. A great way to absolutely ruin any form of media is by beating the viewer over the head with whatever message you're trying to spread. It shouldn't be treated as the exception, it should be treated as the norm. Yes, it's "not very realistic", but who cares? If you write a story in a world of your own design, you can set the rules.
Unless, of course, the whole point is to flag-wave. In which case, hard pass from me.
Erwin_rommel 回复 What color is the sky
a mimor a mimor
Erwin_rommel 回复 What color is the sky
Blau, Herr Feldmarschall!