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this legitimately being one of the best comics for any spider—people related anything
I think she needs plan C
In reply to I think she needs plan C by Anonymous
bro did not get plan C
In reply to bro did not get plan C by Blodgr
Pov: you don't get plan c
In reply to Pov: you don't get plan c by Anonymous
Damn they didnt get plan c
Keep up this art style it's very good
damn g this looks awesome you got some talent fr
it's a canon event miles you cant stop it
can't wait to see what will happen
at least she would not be killed like mary jane watson.
Its Canon Event
epic art style man keep it up legend :)
plot twist:she eats him after the sex due to how spiders work sometimes
In reply to plot twist:she eats him… by Anonymous
I thought only praying mantises did this.
In reply to I thought only praying… by Anonymous
Some spiders do, the male will sometimes just let them as a way to feed her and the future spiders
oh crap we gonna get some spiderlings now? also what happens when miles roomate comes in bro