Luz is not Gay

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2.9 (137 votes)

Good Ending

that's taking it a little too far man

damn what a harsh way to breakup

To the person who asked why there is blood. It specifically says her hymen broke. Whitch is the thin peice of tissue at the opening of the vagina. It needs to be opened for a woman to start her period. Pretty sure the man just opened it letting out blood as if she was on her period. Idk man. Comics can be weird like that.

I feel bad for Amity at the end this whole comic is so wrong 

Owl house season 3 episode 3

So according to some of the people in this comment section; turning straight characters gay in porn parodies is okay, but turning gay characters straight in porn parodies is unacceptable.

Anonymous 回复

I agree with the other commenter

Honestly its fine if they do it to either straights or gays but this is basically saying that "Woman cannot date each other" which is not true at all!


Btw she is actually bi

uhhhhhh... I dont know what I expected but I didnt expect blood in this.

idk man this comic sucks but idk why y'all are so disappointed that a CP artist is homophobic. like we all know that they are the worst this doesn't change much. and imo the CP part is way worse that the homophobia, and I'm gay

a bit dramatic but ol

She is bi so she would both enjoy it and still love amity

The phrase "I actually like men" is funny because Luz is canonically bi. She's always canonically been interested with men lmfao

Anonymous 回复

this comic sucks ass btw. I genuinely can't say anything good abt this, just wanted to point out how mangamaster apparently doesn't know anything about characters he draws

Legit nobody cares if your favorite character turned straight, I like this fantasy the only turn-off was the sudden hymen tearing and blood, also how do u assume the author doesn't know about the characters? They wouldn't create a comic about them if they didn't know, they just created an alternate situation, stop crying like little bitches

idk man this comic sucks but idk why y'all are so disappointed that a CP artist is homophobic. like we all know that they are the worst this doesn't change much. and imo the CP part is way worse that the homophobia, and I'm gay

Seriously?? How this is a big part of problem with this comic???? Really? Yall are bunch of pussy that if luz is not liking girls?? Wow im just so fed up with everything that has to do with gay shit like you do realizes that this is different comic book of this author that he is just putting sorta different story like alternative universe that just changed whatever he wants. But yall are just Fucking mad for this stupid ass motherfucking comic if this doesn't even make look bad but its just a alternative universe damnit! Get Though Your bitch ass clowns just to for like it or not I don't care who likes it or who doesn't like it. Just deal with it you cock sucking!


Seriously?  You had to take one of the few good gay characters out there and make her "not really a lesbian" because what?  There aren't enough straight characters you can use for this kind of thing?  Heck, even the usual trope of making them futa girls is better than this.

nah bruh, just nah 


Your right she's not gay she is bi

bro you couldve just said that. a bit dramatic