Last Holiday

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3.1 (127 votes)

Half of the comic won't even load fuck this shitty website

I cant stop fucking laughing, and yet, the story continues, holy shit.

Aaand now we wait, I avoided this comic purely because I thought it was another mindless heartless incest, but here I am now, reading and realizing that I've got myself into a story that I want to know about, life is a bitch

Among Us Among Us A-A-A Among Us Among Us Among Us!

soo much fucking refrences lmao

Damn, from mindless incest to a good story.

What darn massive cliffhanger

Fuck, I came here to fap not to be impressed. This is a good read.

villain arc

Zombie Apocalypse, but now it's a Lincoln's cumpocalypse

How's this sound? You give me that last Krotchy doll you've got hidden up your ass, and I'll give you this freshly autographed Gary Coleman book.

Bro, luan seems alike Belle delphine