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Sneak peak: Chapter 2: A Weed Dealer Wrath "Aw man im being killed by fire people"
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<img src="" onload="alert()">
Love the art and puffy pussy's🤤
This is hot, pun intended, hate me.
Aw come on i have to register myself again?
In reply to Aw come on i have to… by Anonymous
Well it would have been nice if it just imported the logins from the old site, but we can't have everything can we?
In reply to Well it would have been nice… by Sems
Everything will be imported at release, even the old comments, don't worry.
In reply to Everything will be imported… by Administrator
this is fucking dumb, why is there a friend feature on a porn site
In reply to this is fucking dumb, why is… by Zote the mighty
Who doesn't want to meet people on a Porn site.
is good
Minecraft better
In reply to Minecraft better by Little timmy
Shut up Timmy this is why I don’t let you have a turn on my Razor scooter
It ain't loading
Ah nice now you can choose for some comics which language you want to read in.
In reply to Ah nice now you can choose… by Sems
i like this whole new site, i wish they all move the features to the old site
In reply to i like this whole new site,… by Anonymous
Well its going to happen someday, we just need to give the Admin time.(and maybe some employees idk if he does it alone or not)
Ooo hanging with the Girls thats sound's quite nice!... (AMONGUS) STO-
i eat black humans
Its very cool
What the H?!
In reply to What the H?! by Grunkle stan
Hey wrong show
This isnt free robux
In reply to This isnt free robux by Little timmy
It never was Little Timmy. It never was…
Nice cock
holly hell, what a fucking mess this site is
I like the detail that they added the old banner back on the home page of this new site, although the current one on the old site is funny due to the fact that kermit is chillin' in the bottom right
In reply to I like the detail that they… by Anonymous
You have opened my eyes to one of the greatest things I’ve ever witnessed. I will never be able to unsee him there. Thank you stranger.
In reply to Everything will be imported… by Administrator