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a great man once said "after 9 years in development it has been worth the wait"
and i agree, but for now a moment of silence for everyone who has passed away while waiting for his comic to finish
i think that quote was said by the famous viking "muhammed mao zedong" in 1969
with this amount of buildup they had better fuck till they pass out
Antwort auf with this amount of buildup… von Anonymous
And he better fill her up with cum
Antwort auf And he better fill her up… von Anonymous
and then smokes a cigar while she is red-faced and panting
Antwort auf and then smokes a cigar… von Anonymous
fax lmao
Hey, where did draft pages go?
Hes gonna detroit smash her on the ceiling and not clean it up isn't he
Man i really thought the comment sections would be synced across both sites.
Why so many page have been deleted
Add more
Please make they fuck in all the ways posible, anal, dp, oral
Pls make pt2
sketch pages are heating up. too bad they were removed
I'm begging, begging you hoo hoo hoo, please up - date - this or I die of boredom
W comic but this thing has been ongoing for like a year
dude i cant remember a time i felt such SEXY WHOLESOMENESS.
part of me is getting "Starco: Between Friends" vibes from this.
Antwort auf part of me is getting … von Anonymous
That’s because it is from the same creator.
This is impressive I haven't seen quality like this for a long time
I LOVE THIS!!! Please make more soon.
I don't know what i've watched but i know it's liked me
ok this is now like 5 months old and still no sex scnene i aint reading this no more
Antwort auf ok this is now like 5 months… von Anonymous
there is one now!!!
well damn... 2 years... seams like it was only yesterday that I stumbled upon this wonderous comic. Back when not having the pre color sketches wouldn't even have crossed anyone's mind. A...and now *lips and voices trembles while a lone tear forms in the bottom of an eye.... look how much you've grown. We are no longer shackled by the how much they were saying without even insinuating anything. Then now *as tear finally rolls down cheek. we get actual foreplay. * tears seemingly rolling down as they pleased. oh how you've grown...
-ode to "I See You"
-by: The- LadySlayer69
A shit here we go again. With this comic takes year just end it already uh..
Omg this is so wholesome yes
the page's 72 last panel is super beauty
guys latest update we are making real progress people real actual progress.
Any day now. Just a little more slides and she will be fill of com I just know it
I love it keep up the good work
I kinda want them to get caught by the girls.
This is super cool
Man, area is one hell of an artist
the best long term investment I've mande so far
Chapter 97 was double posted.
I can't wait until they make more. I love it.
why he delete some pages tf
this is just too much foreplay for a webcomic
Lovely. Please complete it. I can't wait.....
Ayy they finally kissed. Now fuck
very slow updates+ no color anymore kinda lost the interest ngl
Antwort auf very slow updates+ no color… von Anonymous
there is color wdym? Also... last update only +1 page? :(
Antwort auf there is color wdym? Also… von Anonymous
that dude deleted like 20 pages that didnt have color
Bro y’all literally just masturbated in front of each other on a phone call and you’re still gonna act shy?!
Antwort auf Bro y’all literally just… von Anonymous
Wait wont momo need her phone and laptop back so will she see those messages and video calls!!!???
Antwort auf Wait wont momo need her… von Anonymous
Actually I think Momo used her quirk to make them so i don't know if that answers your question.