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3 (567 votes)
Thats a whole baby dawg
This comment section is filled to the brim with pussy faggots. I'd bet half of you don't think twice about beating yourselves raw to vanilla ass lolicon, but the moment you drop the age of the FICTIONAL character just a few degrees, oh suddenly that's going too far. Grow a set of testicles you hypocritical degenerates.
Yo wtf?! That is a baby
Nothing loads after page 12  
lol @ all the people acting like they got here by mistake. 
I am at a loss for words that is a baby
Wtf?! I thought It's BDSM! Bro what is wrong with you :(
Wtf?! I thought It's BDSM! Bro what is wrong with you :(
Knowing who was involved i knew this was gonna be bad i just didnt expect them to go that far
This is the opposite of hot
Seriously fucked up. Sucks that drawings like this are legal in the us.
This is disgusting and should be deleted 
seeing this comic posted changed my view on humanity, the comments then gave me hope  

Ah yes fuck no this is a mistake

god is dead
Mmmmmm this is sexy we want more
Im gonna fuck a baby